When sharing X39 and the opportunity there are two different times to revisit or follow-up with your prospects. The first is after you speak to a prospect and or patch them. After your initial conversation you will either send ThisIsItInfo.Com and or patch your prospect, which means a follow-up is required. The second is after your prospect attends a This Is It X39 Zoom, or they see the presentation at a One on One, Home or Hotel X39 event. Learn below how to revisit or follow up properly. 

You’ve heard the saying; fortune is in the follow-up and it’s no different when building a successful LifeWave business. Revisiting or following up is crucial to getting people engaged in your business. Most prospects will decide to get started immediately after seeing the opportunity for the 1st time. The follow-up process begins from the time you contact your prospect. Patching or simply sending the ThisIsItInfo,Com link gives reason for you to see or speak with them again. Following up 24 hours after you give samples can be as easy as reminding them to put on their X39. 

Simply pointing your prospect to a scheduled X39 Zoom can be used for a follow-up meeting. A One on One, Home, or Hotel X39 Event can also be used as a follow-up. Realize that these are your initial contact revisits like mentioned above. Always ask questions or comments as a follow-up that forces your prospects to answer in an uplifting manner. Say something like “You must be feeling better than you have in a longtime wearing X39.” Or “I’m sure you’re experiencing some relief like we spoke about with X39.” Those that you simply sent the link to can be followed-up like this, “I’m sure after you researched X39 you’re ready to get started!” or “This business is exploding, let’s get you started on X39 today!” 

The other type of revisit or follow-up will be after a prospect is presented the opportunity. In this case be sure you always encourage them to get started now. Remember after a presentation they are most excited. You must learn to seize the moment. Give them something to lose. Their health and all that was said that evening about what X39 can do for them. Also financially, and the importance of getting their spot in the tree. Waiting will cost them money in their pocket. Expect them to say yes. No need for a hard sell but explaining what they stand to lose both health wise and financially, is very powerful. If they do not enroll then be sure to leave them with an order form and more patches so you can schedule a time to get back with them. This would be after seeing a One on One or Home meeting. In the case of a Zoom, it’s best to reach out directly after the Zoom when they are excited and get them started. Again, expect your prospects to enroll. Remind them what they stand to lose as explained above. If they still can’t decide, let them know you will send them a video from the THIS IS IT YouTube Channel that best suits their concerns. Whether it be the compensation plan, health concerns, or their finances, there is a video they can relate to. This gives you another chance to revisit them in 24-48 hours. Next try to meet with them in person, do a 3 way with your upline, or invite them to another presentation. You never know what video, person, or presentation will get them motivated to start. Keep revisiting a prospect until they tell you absolutely stop which rarely happens. 

Power Of A Binary, You Must Learn. Not Many Know About This

A key reason to be associated with and learn from a proven system like THIS IS IT, is your learning from other people’s experience. They have inside information knowledge that will save you time. Here’s one of the most powerful tips that will light up the binary of your X39 business. You’re out patching prospects, calling friends and successful people you know, you’ve downloaded the THIS IS IT X39 presentation and doing One on Ones. As you revisit and follow up people are excited but not enrolling. But you keep grinding. Then someone gets it. They are serious about their dreams for their family and ready to run for Senior Director. OK! Here’s your chance to light up your tree. Not many if any will teach you this. Before typing in your new, very enthusiastic team member, you must go back or call everyone that you spoke with over the last few days or even a week. You say to every one of them… Even if it’s 4,5,10,14, times, you have reached out to them. “Hey ________, I know you love the X39 and the lucrative business plan I shared with you that screams opportunity. Remember I shared how you build just two legs, and you get paid from all the people underneath you even if you do not know them up to $25,000? Well, I just sponsored a huge leader. He or She is a very successful businessperson and is going to build big. I’m following up with you to give you a chance to get started before I enroll her because I spoke with you first. Are you serious about those dreams of yours we spoke about (remind them of their dream/dreams they shared with you) because this would ignite your business toward achieving your dream. Let’s get you a package on subscription so you can retain your volume now before I enroll them. Give that prospect something to lose and that’s usually all they need to fill out their order form. Now go back to the next one and say the same thing. But wait now you got two go getters that will be placed under them. Sign Me Up! Then again, you got three very successful businesspeople that would be placed under them. Now they are in! You see all because of one everyone wants in. They just needed something to lose. You can see how this binary strategy without a hard close just simply giving a prospect something to lose will absolutely light up your binary tree. Remember the follow up never ends until a prospect says they are not interested in optimal health or taking advantage of an opportunity of a lifetime.