Opportunity - Zoom, One On One, Home, Hotel

The rubber meets the road in your LifeWave business when it comes to getting your prospects in front of seeing how the LifeWave business opportunity combined with the THIS IS IT System works. Nothing happens without sharing X39 and the lucrative opportunity behind it. Once someone has been informed or personally patched and revisited followed up with, it’s time to share the opportunity. There are multiple ways to present such as one on one, zoom, home, our hotel events. Any one of these are great way to present the X39 product and opportunity. 

The art of promoting is one of the most important skills you will learn to become successful in Network Marketing. Whether you are promoting an X39 opportunity or training Zoom, home or hotel event the more people you have in attendance as prospects and team members, the faster your business will grow. Remember like any job, profession, conventional business, or franchise you must get training. With a goal to be successful in your LifeWave business you must understand the importance of not just being properly taught but your prospects and team members as well. 

Important To Understand

One of the hardest concepts for new people that are serious to achieve success in Network Marketing to understand is how to utilize the system and the power of duplication. Very similar to franchising, The THIS IS IT System, when implemented as instructed and promoted allows your LifeWave business to eventually take on a life of its own. For this to happen you must plug your new guests and team members into these X39 launch events particularly the Zoom meetings. 

Some new team members already in LifeWave get out of the blocks fast but then see momentum stall because they realize the X39 opportunity meetings are similar weekly, they feel it’s not necessary to attend. This is a big mistake as these X39 Launch Zooms or home meetings are for you to put new prospects in front of. So, you must not get bored with hearing the same content. You must get excited when sharing the opportunity presentation whether you are a guest or presenter as your new guests are watching you. As you put new people in front of these X39 Opportunity Zooms, or any meetings listed below, prospects will get excited and enroll. Then your new team member does the same and then that one does the same. Now keep teaching everyone to repeat the process. If you complicate the process, you will never experience the compounding results. You must not get bored by the simplicity of the proven THIS IS IT System. The duplication effect takes place because it so simple to plug into the Zoom X39 Events. 

Ways To Share X39 And The Opportunity  

To start with, it is important not to feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Remember, when sharing the X39 and the opportunity; you are a Messenger not a Salesman. Your sponsor and upline will assist you in presenting this program in four different settings: 1) Three-way calls, 2) Zooms 3) One-on-one presentation 4) Home X39 Launch Event
 5) Hotel X39 Launch Event. 

1. Three Way Call
3 Way Calls allows a new team member to use an "expert" in their recruiting process. Prospects may trust you, but this does not mean they will respect your business decisions. You can get assistance and learn the process of successfully sponsoring people by inviting your active upline to share with them. Your active upline expert is experienced at addressing a prospect's questions/concerns, and at explaining the business to them. Plan 1-2 minutes to qualify and determine interest level, 3-5 minutes to share X39, the business plan and THIS IS IT system for getting started.

2. Zoom X39 Launch Presentation 

From experience, the THIS IS IT Team of leaders, the most popular and effective way to share the X39 Patch and LifeWave opportunity is through a Zoom presentation. The easiest way is to plug into our weekly THIS IS IT System X39 Launch Opportunity Zooms. These Zooms are presented by leaders on the THIS IS IT Team that are succeeding with their LifeWave business. All you need to do is simply point your prospects to these Team Zooms that happen multiple times throughout the week in different time zones for a wide range of countries and in Spanish as well. 
These X39 Zooms are what have catapulted LifeWave over the last 3 years. The company has experienced record growth because of the X39 and these Zoom Launch Events. Think about it. For years people have shied away from getting involved in a Network Marketing Business because they did not want to travel to meetings across town or higher babysitters. Because of technology it’s so much easier to attract and invite local friends as well as people from out of town and even the country to watch an X39 presentation on Zoom. The faster you start calling to invite prospects to these Zooms the sooner you’ll start experiencing success. Start putting your new promoting skills to work and you will find yourself rapidly moving though the LifeWave ranks. 

Once you’ve attended multiple X39 Team Zooms you can easily start presenting Zoom presentations on your own. Download the THIS IS IT Team power point presentation from By taking ownership you are now able to present X39 and the lucrative plan behind it anytime a prospect is available. It’s still important to plug your new guests and team members into the THIS IS IT Team X39 Opportunity Zooms so they can experience the big numbers of people in attendance. The fact that you are now able to share X39 anytime day or night, not having to wait for the next scheduled Zoom event, allows you to present and enroll someone anytime a prospect is available. The learning curve to get to this point only depends on how fast you can watch three or four opportunity zooms. Once you download the presentation its just about reading from the slide show until you get it down. Remember to relax and have fun. Your goal is to simply expose the X39 Technology and share the very lucrative opportunity behind it. Your prospects will understand through the passion of your presentation and your enthusiasm that you are on to something big. It’s up to them to take advantage of what is being shared. 

3. One On One Presentation
The One-On-One presentation is simply you sharing X39 and the business plan to a prospect. The One-On-One is the easiest way to book a confirmed presentation because you’re working around their schedule vs a scheduled Zoom, home, or hotel event. You should pre-qualify your prospect before meeting with them. Find out if they are interested in improving their health AND serious about generating a secondary income.  

Once they are a qualified prospect these one on ones can be set up as an appointment or done on the spur of the moment if the individual has 10-15 minutes. You can set up these meetings at your local coffee shop, their home, or a restaurant. It’s not recommended to do a one on one at someone’s place of work as they will almost always become distracted. Never set up to discuss over a meal of any kind. First, it’s too hard to present and talk. Second, even though you do your best at pre-qualifying your prospect to confirm they are looking, there are times you find out quickly into your presentation your guest is not seriously looking. If you ordered a big meal, you are stuck there wasting quality time and money. The leaders experiencing success never did so by buying meals for their prospects. This never works and always backfires as prosects feel they must buy dinners and do long meetings to build a business. Be sure to expect your guests to enroll as this technology and opportunity is life changing. People see it right away if they are looking so be ready as this moves very quickly. Again, expect success from every- One On One. That might not happen, but believing it will, sets the tone and there are a good number that will experience many to enroll at first presentation. 

4. Home X39 Launch Event 

Home Meetings are the best way to create excitement about X39 and build momentum. Whether it is a Home X39 Launch Event for yourself or your team, it’s a great way to meet and connect with the new guests. A home meeting allows you to get in front of a bigger number of prospects faster than calling or meeting one by one. Realize that friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers are comfortable coming to your home. It’s easy to invite people who are close or know where you live. Most will attend and from experience those who attend will get started on X39. 

You will want to do 3-5 meetings at your home as not everyone is available for the first meeting. You will only give them one date at a time. After each home meeting you will sign up everyone who is ready then announce when the next meeting at your house will be. 3-5 meetings at your home are enough as everyone who would want to come would have attended after 3-5 opportunities. 

Basics To Having A Successful Home Meeting 
Have plenty of X39 sleeves available 
Have plenty of X39 Order Forms ready
Be sure to have pens for signups 

Display an X39 banner
Children and pets should not be present as they can be distractions

Set up only a few chairs in advance

Have additional chairs available in another room

Download the THIS IS IT X39 Presentation 

Use a TV connected to your computer to share X39 Presentation   
Emphasize promptness 

The speaker should arrive 10 minutes early
Meeting should begin promptly

No food or refreshments are necessary

Book Another Meeting 

Goal For Every Home X39 Launch Event

The goal for every home meeting is to book another meeting. You must remember this and stay attuned at every meeting regarding this important strategy. As you are doing the 3-5 meetings at your home, you are looking for others in attendance interested in doing an X39 Launch Event at their home. As you enroll your guests after each home meeting you want to suggest that you do a home X39 Launch event for them. Do 3-5 meetings for everyone that you sponsor at your home launch events. Repeat the process for those they sponsor and keep going from home meeting to home meeting for those you enroll in your organization.  

Hotel X39 Launch Event 
X39 events, sometimes called open meetings, take place in hotels. The need for a hotel meeting arises as more home meetings are being done in a city and creating growth. The upline SPD will host these events once the momentum starts escalating in the area. Hotel X39 Launch Events are for a prospect to see the big picture very quickly. Because Zooms are so convenient there are not as many events done in hotels. Be sure you take advantage of these hotel events when offered, by inviting and picking up as many prospects as you possibly can for the event. Always remember having lots of new guests at hotel events or any of the X39 Launch Events, the more growth and momentum you will experience in your LifeWave business. 

The rubber meets the road in your LifeWave business when it comes to getting your prospects in front of seeing how the LifeWave business opportunity combined with the THIS IS IT System works. Nothing happens without sharing X39 and the lucrative opportunity behind it. Once someone has been informed or personally patched and revisited followed up with, it’s time to share the opportunity. There are multiple ways to present such as one on one, zoom, home, our hotel events. Any one of these are great way to present the X39 product and opportunity. 

The art of promoting is one of the most important skills you will learn to become successful in Network Marketing. Whether you are promoting an X39 opportunity or training Zoom, home or hotel event the more people you have in attendance as prospects and team members, the faster your business will grow. Remember like any job, profession, conventional business, or franchise you must get training. With a goal to be successful in your LifeWave business you must understand the importance of not just being properly taught but your prospects and team members as well. 

Important To Understand

One of the hardest concepts for new people that are serious to achieve success in Network Marketing to understand is how to utilize the system and the power of duplication. Very similar to franchising, The THIS IS IT System, when implemented as instructed and promoted allows your LifeWave business to eventually take on a life of its own. For this to happen you must plug your new guests and team members into these X39 launch events particularly the Zoom meetings. 

Some new team members already in LifeWave get out of the blocks fast but then see momentum stall because they realize the X39 opportunity meetings are similar weekly, they feel it’s not necessary to attend. This is a big mistake as these X39 Launch Zooms or home meetings are for you to put new prospects in front of. So, you must not get bored with hearing the same content. You must get excited when sharing the opportunity presentation whether you are a guest or presenter as your new guests are watching you. As you put new people in front of these X39 Opportunity Zooms, or any meetings listed below, prospects will get excited and enroll. Then your new team member does the same and then that one does the same. Now keep teaching everyone to repeat the process. If you complicate the process, you will never experience the compounding results. You must not get bored by the simplicity of the proven THIS IS IT System. The duplication effect takes place because it so simple to plug into the Zoom X39 Events. 

Ways To Share X39 And The Opportunity  

To start with, it is important not to feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Remember, when sharing the X39 and the opportunity; you are a Messenger not a Salesman. Your sponsor and upline will assist you in presenting this program in four different settings: 1) Three-way calls, 2) Zooms 3) One-on-one presentation 4) Home X39 Launch Event
 5) Hotel X39 Launch Event. 

1. Three Way Call
3 Way Calls allows a new team member to use an "expert" in their recruiting process. Prospects may trust you, but this does not mean they will respect your business decisions. You can get assistance and learn the process of successfully sponsoring people by inviting your active upline to share with them. Your active upline expert is experienced at addressing a prospect's questions/concerns, and at explaining the business to them. Plan 1-2 minutes to qualify and determine interest level, 3-5 minutes to share X39, the business plan and THIS IS IT system for getting started.

2. Zoom X39 Launch Presentation 

From experience, the THIS IS IT Team of leaders, the most popular and effective way to share the X39 Patch and LifeWave opportunity is through a Zoom presentation. The easiest way is to plug into our weekly THIS IS IT System X39 Launch Opportunity Zooms. These Zooms are presented by leaders on the THIS IS IT Team that are succeeding with their LifeWave business. All you need to do is simply point your prospects to these Team Zooms that happen multiple times throughout the week in different time zones for a wide range of countries and in Spanish as well. 
These X39 Zooms are what have catapulted LifeWave over the last 3 years. The company has experienced record growth because of the X39 and these Zoom Launch Events. Think about it. For years people have shied away from getting involved in a Network Marketing Business because they did not want to travel to meetings across town or higher babysitters. Because of technology it’s so much easier to attract and invite local friends as well as people from out of town and even the country to watch an X39 presentation on Zoom. The faster you start calling to invite prospects to these Zooms the sooner you’ll start experiencing success. Start putting your new promoting skills to work and you will find yourself rapidly moving though the LifeWave ranks. 

Once you’ve attended multiple X39 Team Zooms you can easily start presenting Zoom presentations on your own. Download the THIS IS IT Team power point presentation from By taking ownership you are now able to present X39 and the lucrative plan behind it anytime a prospect is available. It’s still important to plug your new guests and team members into the THIS IS IT Team X39 Opportunity Zooms so they can experience the big numbers of people in attendance. The fact that you are now able to share X39 anytime day or night, not having to wait for the next scheduled Zoom event, allows you to present and enroll someone anytime a prospect is available. The learning curve to get to this point only depends on how fast you can watch three or four opportunity zooms. Once you download the presentation its just about reading from the slide show until you get it down. Remember to relax and have fun. Your goal is to simply expose the X39 Technology and share the very lucrative opportunity behind it. Your prospects will understand through the passion of your presentation and your enthusiasm that you are on to something big. It’s up to them to take advantage of what is being shared. 

3. One On One Presentation
The One-On-One presentation is simply you sharing X39 and the business plan to a prospect. The One-On-One is the easiest way to book a confirmed presentation because you’re working around their schedule vs a scheduled Zoom, home, or hotel event. You should pre-qualify your prospect before meeting with them. Find out if they are interested in improving their health AND serious about generating a secondary income.  

Once they are a qualified prospect these one on ones can be set up as an appointment or done on the spur of the moment if the individual has 10-15 minutes. You can set up these meetings at your local coffee shop, their home, or a restaurant. It’s not recommended to do a one on one at someone’s place of work as they will almost always become distracted. Never set up to discuss over a meal of any kind. First, it’s too hard to present and talk. Second, even though you do your best at pre-qualifying your prospect to confirm they are looking, there are times you find out quickly into your presentation your guest is not seriously looking. If you ordered a big meal, you are stuck there wasting quality time and money. The leaders experiencing success never did so by buying meals for their prospects. This never works and always backfires as prosects feel they must buy dinners and do long meetings to build a business. Be sure to expect your guests to enroll as this technology and opportunity is life changing. People see it right away if they are looking so be ready as this moves very quickly. Again, expect success from every- One On One. That might not happen, but believing it will, sets the tone and there are a good number that will experience many to enroll at first presentation. 

4. Home X39 Launch Event 

Home Meetings are the best way to create excitement about X39 and build momentum. Whether it is a Home X39 Launch Event for yourself or your team, it’s a great way to meet and connect with the new guests. A home meeting allows you to get in front of a bigger number of prospects faster than calling or meeting one by one. Realize that friends, relatives, neighbors, and coworkers are comfortable coming to your home. It’s easy to invite people who are close or know where you live. Most will attend and from experience those who attend will get started on X39. 

You will want to do 3-5 meetings at your home as not everyone is available for the first meeting. You will only give them one date at a time. After each home meeting you will sign up everyone who is ready then announce when the next meeting at your house will be. 3-5 meetings at your home are enough as everyone who would want to come would have attended after 3-5 opportunities. 

Basics To Having A Successful Home Meeting 
Have plenty of X39 sleeves available 
Have plenty of X39 Order Forms ready
Be sure to have pens for signups 

Display an X39 banner
Children and pets should not be present as they can be distractions

Set up only a few chairs in advance

Have additional chairs available in another room

Download the THIS IS IT X39 Presentation 

Use a TV connected to your computer to share X39 Presentation   
Emphasize promptness 

The speaker should arrive 10 minutes early
Meeting should begin promptly

No food or refreshments are necessary

Book Another Meeting 

Goal For Every Home X39 Launch Event

The goal for every home meeting is to book another meeting. You must remember this and stay attuned at every meeting regarding this important strategy. As you are doing the 3-5 meetings at your home, you are looking for others in attendance interested in doing an X39 Launch Event at their home. As you enroll your guests after each home meeting you want to suggest that you do a home X39 Launch event for them. Do 3-5 meetings for everyone that you sponsor at your home launch events. Repeat the process for those they sponsor and keep going from home meeting to home meeting for those you enroll in your organization.  

Hotel X39 Launch Event 
X39 events, sometimes called open meetings, take place in hotels. The need for a hotel meeting arises as more home meetings are being done in a city and creating growth. The upline SPD will host these events once the momentum starts escalating in the area. Hotel X39 Launch Events are for a prospect to see the big picture very quickly. Because Zooms are so convenient there are not as many events done in hotels. Be sure you take advantage of these hotel events when offered, by inviting and picking up as many prospects as you possibly can for the event. Always remember having lots of new guests at hotel events or any of the X39 Launch Events, the more growth and momentum you will experience in your LifeWave business. 

Finish your X39 Home Launch Strong

Many new team members think you must push new prospects hard to enroll but you can relax as there is in no way a big close when it comes to X39. The fact is your prospects either want optimal health or they don’t. They either want to take advantage of an opportunity of a lifetime, or they don’t. You do need to have an attitude of expectancy (you believe they want the results you are offering so they will enroll with you) which can be seen in your eyes and body language. All you need to do is share X39, give your testimony, share the opportunity, and they can decide. Key to achieving success in your LifeWave business is simply exposure of X39. 

Be sure to explain the enrollment options as you close out your X39 Home Launch Event. Remember people want to be lead on what are the next steps. The more confident you are the better results you will experience. (You receive confidence by being plugged into the THIS IS IT System of Zoom X39 Events, and Conventions.) Stick with the 3 most popular options, Silver, Gold, Diamond packages. Stress the importance of being on smart delivery. Focus on those who are ready to go and sign them up. As the others leave be sure they have an order form in hand and be sure to text them ThisIsItInfo.Com. Offer them samples and be sure to schedule a time to get back with them over the next 24-48 hours. Offering the samples gives you a reason to Follow up with those prospects that do not enroll. Remember to announce your next home event and or book home meetings with those you enroll.