There are numerous ways to meet, qualify, and invite individuals who are interested in improving their health and looking for additional sources of income. Be thoughtful, be attentive and be sensitive. Listen to people's needs and many doors will open for you.

An easy way to begin the process is to follow the THIS IS IT System PRO Strategy. The PRO Strategy includes Starting a conversation about X39 and the lucrative business plan behind it and then sharing the THIS IS IT Team Product website is a way for your prospect to research everything they need to learn about X39. As soon as a friend, or prospect says or looks like they are interested and or asks you the first question about X39, that’s your que to let them know… that’s a great question, I will send a link that you can do research and get any questions you have answered.    

Speaking in person or on the phone about X39 has proven to be the most productive way to contact and invite. Starting a conversation is very easy with X39 because of its life changing effects. When you have a technology as unique as X39, and patented, everyone needs it. No one has ever heard of it, the testimonies bring you to tears, and it’s exclusive, it screams opportunity. 

Speak Not Text: The leaders experiencing success with X39 have called or met with their prospects in person. The passion about X39 and the lucrative business plan must be heard from your voice. Texting an initial conversation about X39 is not recommended. You can text a friend and say “I’ve got something important to talk to you about, are you available” or simply “are you available to talk” or “I need to speak with you. Will you be at your office in the morning?” That is fine because you are only setting up the conversation. If someone says, “what is it?” You reply, “that’s why we need to talk”. Again, the best way is to talk on phone, in person, or on Zoom. After you speak to a friend or prospect and as soon as they ask a question, you let them know you’re going to send them a link that has everything they need to know about X39 including case studies, doctor’s reviews, patent, and testimonies. Send them    

Contacting a hot or warm prospect for the first time about x39.
Easy way to start a conversation: 

Example 1
John…. (your name), here. I just came across some technology that is life changing. It helped me (short testimony). It took 10 years of research and 4.5 million dollars to bring it to market. It’s a quarter size patch that is activated by your own body and helps people with all sorts of health challenges. Because its exclusive, patented, everyone needs it, no one has ever heard of it, and the testimonies bring you to tears, it screams opportunity.

I reached out to you because I know you would be interested in the health benefits and I’m sure you would love the financial results as well. Are you open to checking it out? Great! I will send you a link so you can check out this unique technology called X39. Go to ThisIsItInfo.Com to check out this patented technology! You’ll find case studies, doctor reviews, patents, and testimonies. I’ll send you the link now. 

Example 2
Hey (enter name). How are you? How is the family? (small talk)
Listen, I want to get to the other reason I called I want to share something with you, do you have a couple minutes? I am really excited about the results I have experienced with some new technology that was recently patented called X39! (share testimony/shorter the better)
X39 is quarter size patch and a true breakthrough. This patch is a patented wellness technology that elevates the flow of your body's energy by gently stimulating the skin with light. Some benefits of x39 are increased strength, supports reduction of inflammation, increased stamina, increased energy, improved mental clarity, and so much more! What physical concerns do you have? (Let them answer). If they reply they have no physical concerns, then share with them, they will love the Age Reversing of the X39. Send them if they need more info and share samples if needed.

Other Examples: have you ever looked at ways of earning some additional income? Are you able to take advantage of an opportunity if one came your way? Do you ever look at ways to improve your health, and develop alternative ways of earning income? Be Honest, Up-front and Sincere when inviting folks to see and hear about the opportunity. Your excitement, enthusiasm, belief and conviction will come thru if you are convinced first!

THIS IS IT Team, calls all its meetings X39 Launch Events. Whether you’re inviting a prospect to a Zoom, home, or hotel event. For instant, THIS IS IT Team would call these meetings…Home or Hotel X39 Launch Events. The goal is for your prospect to understand that X39 is a very exclusive technology, it’s a big deal and huge opportunity. 

Zoom X39 Launch Event

Most of the meetings you will be inviting your friends and prospects to will be Zoom Webinars. Most of the meetings done by the THIS IS IT Team of leaders will be via Zoom. Again, these are called X39 Launch Zooms. Your invite will be the same as above in your own words of course and you will add an invite to a THIS IS IT X39 Zoom as well. 

X39 Launch Zoom Invite Example: 

Hey (enter name). How are you? How is the family? (small talk)
Listen, I want to get to the other reason I called I want to share something with you, do you have a couple minutes? I am really excited about the results I have experienced with some new technology that was recently patented called X39! (share testimony/shorter the better)

X39 is quarter size patch and a true breakthrough. This patch is a patented wellness technology that elevates the flow of your body's energy by stimulating the skin with light. Some benefits of X39 are increased strength, supports reduction of inflammation, increased stamina, increased energy, improved mental clarity, and so much more! 

What physical concerns do you have? (Let them answer). Are you open to hearing more? Great the friends that introduced me to this exclusive technology are doing a Zoom tomorrow at 8pm. They will explain exactly how the X39 works and the business plan. Why don’t you jump on the Zoom with me. It will be brief and very informative. (after he agrees) Ok I’ll send you the link to tomorrow’s Zoom as well as another link that explains X39, it includes case studies, doctor reviews, patents, and testimonies. Send him Zoom link and include 

Home X39 Launch Event 
A Home X39 Launch Event is a premiere way to expose your prospects to the opportunity. Here’s a simple example of an invite for a Home X39 Launch Event.  

Home X39 Launch Event Example Invite

Hey (enter name), hope you’re doing well, how are the kids (small talk). Listen, I have been using this breakthrough technology for the last couple of weeks/days, my body has responded in ways that I cannot even explain, (enter testimony). I am hosting a look and learn at my house this (enter date), I would love to have you as my guest. I feel like this is something that could improve your quality of life in so many ways! May I add you to my guest list?

You can also set up a one-on-one meeting with them to STP – Share X39 and Show the Plan. You can then invite them to attend a meeting in your area - the person hosting the meeting will share about the X39 and the opportunity with your guest, FOR you. Often in the beginning, you'll want to meet prospects over a cup of coffee or just a casual appointment. 

Whatever approach you use, keep in mind that your purpose is not to "explain" the opportunity; rather, it's to invite them to get together in order to experience X39 and to share the opportunity. Clear the time - make sure they're available. Your sponsor and/or your upline will help with assistance in this area of effective qualifying.

Understand there are more people that you don’t know than you do. Because of this, you never know who’s looking and praying for their health and or a financial opportunity. You must be alert more than you were in the past for those coming across your path daily. Understand that you can’t say the wrong thing to someone who is looking. Here is an example on how to contact someone you meet while going through your day. Remember you do not need to take a lot of time. Just start the conversation, be friendly, and find out if they are open. 

Invite for a cold prospect (just met in public place) 
Be kind, good energy, engaging, ask questions and listen with your eyes. 

Hey (enter name) You seem sharp. (Sincere compliment) this might be a shot in the dark. I came across an effective & affordable breakthrough technology that is patented & clinically proven to support whole-body wellness! We’re experiencing very emotional testimonies from this unique quarter size patch. Because it’s been recently patented, everyone needs it, and no one knows about it, it screams opportunity. Let me ask you, do you ever look at ways to improve your health, and develop alternative ways of earning income? Once they say yes, simply get their contact info and send them link. Leave them with a couple samples and tell them you will follow up in 24 hours. 

A Simple Way to Start Conversations

Often when we start the process of contacting and inviting, people get to technical or medical. Almost sounding like a doctor as they talk to a prospect about X39 instead of focusing on the task of qualifying them to see if they are really looking for an opportunity.

*Remember, you are looking for people who are looking. One simple way to do this is to use a formula that helps you find someone's "why" their reason for looking?

Many people have found the FORM formula to be an easy way to stay on track and engage the prospect to see if they are looking.
When this process is combined with the PRO Strategy, you will find it an effective and stress-free approach to contacting and inviting.
The key to becoming successful with contacting and inviting is practice. Take the time to practice with your wife, family members or friends until you have the steps memorized and can flow through them easily.

F.O.R.M Formula.

F. Family - How's the family - wife - kids?
How are they doing? What's going on in their lives? Are they married? Where do they live?

O. Occupation – What do you do for a living? How long they have been there or doing that specific occupation? - give a compliment on an apparent skill if you see one that applies to their occupation. By asking how long they have been in their profession and giving a compliment on a visible skill, it shows genuine interest and can start a conversation on a positive note. How is it going? (this many times opens the door to them saying they are frustrated about something about their job or career)  
R. Recreation - What do they enjoy or what do they have an interest in doing with their free time? Showing interest in their recreational activities can help to create a positive rapport which is crucial in prospecting and building relationships.

M. Motive - Try to find out what is motivating them to be interested in a secondary source of income - their why. By delving into their motivations, you can better tailor your conversations and recommendations to highlight how X39 and the opportunity behind it can help them achieve those goals. 

How To Deal with People

There are four things you should always keep in mind when contacting and inviting people. Two of these things you should always do and two of them you should understand.
  • TO DO - Always work to maintain or increase someone's self-esteem. This will always leave an open door and give you the ability to feel at ease with anyone in a variety of economic levels.
  • UNDERSTAND - People do not operate from the truth; they operate from their perception of the truth. With this understanding, you will not become defensive when people raise objections about X39 or the opportunity.
  • TO DO - Maintain a positive and effective attitude. Your attitude is a tool; ask yourself if it is working for or against you. Learn to smile when you talk to someone. It will at least make you appear to have a confident attitude that is non-threatening.
  • UNDERSTAND - You must understand your responsibility in the relationship with the person you are talking to. By understanding this responsibility, you express your willingness to support them in working toward their dreams. The person you are talking to is thinking, maybe this will allow us to pay off our credit card debt...maybe it will let us spend more time with the kids. When you sponsor someone, it is the beginning and not the end of your responsibility to them as their sponsor - you haven't just "made a sale." By practicing these four steps you will begin to see how their implementation will benefit both new relationships and those you already have.
