Most people getting started on the THIS IS IT Team and LifeWave have never been involved or experienced success in a network marketing business. What is the best insider information you can receive in business? It’s always the experience of someone who tried to accomplish what you are looking to achieve and is currently having success. It is frustrating that many new people getting started in the network marketing industry do not get this important piece of advice. You’re encouraged to listen and learn to the THIS IS IT Team of leadership that have all experienced extreme success at a record pace. Isn’t that what you are looking for? These leaders in the THIS IS IT Team have not only broken every record ever seen in LifeWave’s 19 years but smashed them. Not leaning forward and learning from what these leaders have done right and what they have not, would be a big mistake. Especially if you are looking to seriously Win Big with the LifeWave opportunity.    

First point to consider, your sponsor and upline leaders only get rewarded financially when you succeed. For that reason, everything you are being taught here from the leadership on the THIS IS IT System is for your benefit. It’s so important to tap into the experience and wisdom of those who have gone before you. Although you are ultimately responsible for your own success, you are part of the THIS IS IT Team that wants to help you as much as you will allow. As you rise in the business, you will find that your success is determined by how many people you can help influence to become successful. 

If a team member is doing something not promoted in the THIS IS IT 10 Step System, it’s proof they either did not council upline or did not listen to their upline SPD. This would just prolong the process for rapidly advancing through the ranks and achieving your dreams. Any proven program, technique, or strategy is given here in the THIS IS IT 10 Step System. Here are some common examples of team members not counseling upline and in turn wasted time and money spent and not receiving the results they were looking for. 

Example #1

Set Up a LifeWave booth at a Medical, Sporting or Local Event; This is common for many people new to the industry. As much as it sounds like a good idea, it costs money, takes time, not duplicatable, and never works, in the long run. If this person would have counseled with their upline SPD they would have told them they never did this and not one SPD on the THIS IS IT Team has run a booth at an event. BUT there will still be folks that have to try and not take advantage of the mentorship offered from the THIS IS IT Leaders. Sad to say many quit after being frustrated their idea did not work. 

Example #2

Do not attend or skip a THIS IS IT Team Convention. Just like all careers and professions have requirements in achieving success, same goes for the network marketing industry. Doctors must graduate medical school, franchise owners must go to company training, pilots must graduate flight school plus do many hours in the air, and a tradesman must graduate tech school. Basically, there is no job or profession that you do not need some type of training and it is no different in succeeding with your LifeWave business. No matter what excuse you might have to not attend, one of the THIS IS IT Team leaders had the exact same issue and showed up anyway and achieved the highest rank. As a matter of fact, not one SPD got there without attending a Big Convention before doing so. So, if you counsel your upline SPD, that is what they would explain to you. This is BIG!!! 

Example #3

Quit your job without counseling upline. This is very common with team members involved in an organization without great leadership. THIS IS IT Team leaders understand that the goal with your LifeWave business is to create another stream of income, so you are not only dependent on your job or career. Many people new to networking think if they are close to replacing their income and they quit their job they will soon make what they are making in their current job or career. A THIS IS IT Team SPD would not counsel anyone on their team to quit their job so soon. First, you are looking for a secondary income, right? Once you quit your job, you’re back to one stream of income. If that team member would have counseled upline they would have been told to keep working their job and used the secondary income from their LifeWave business to pay off debt. Building your LifeWave business is not and cannot possibly be a fulltime job. Having a job makes you so much more relatable to your prospects. Most people who quit their jobs too early find themselves staying at home and not out meeting people on the way to work, on the job, and meeting more people on the way home from work. Exciting thing to note is even at the highest rank in LifeWave you can’t do it full time. THIS IS IT Team suggests the option of leaving your job or profession once you’re generating four times what you are currently making in your career. This has proven to be the best way to walk away with confidence. 

These are just a few examples of people who made the mistake of not counseling their upline SPD. They are there to guide you if you choose, but unlike a franchise opportunity where they make you do what they say. This industry allows you to be told from the leader’s experience and you make your own decisions. Decide to listen and implement and you will like the results.

Having a built-in consultant that is dedicated to assisting you in your success is just another example of why network marketing will work for just about any willing individual. When in doubt, ask questions of your upline SPD THIS IS IT Leader. Your active upline can, and will, help you to determine how often you should sit down to review your business plan and evaluate your progress. Remember, your upline SPD has a vested interest in your success, so respect their time and advice as it applies. This team approach to your success is powerful. It has been said: Experience is the best teacher, as long as it’s someone else's experience...then it is Wisdom. Learning from the experience of others will give you the opportunity to build a LifeWave business that will last for generations.