Yogi Berra once said “You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going because you might not get there.” 

Setting goals is essential for personal and professional development as it helps individuals define their aspirations, create a roadmap for success, and stay focused on their priorities. Without clear goals, it becomes challenging to stay motivated, overcome obstacles, and measure one's success. Setting goals is key to achieving in your Lifewave business as well as leading a purposeful and fulfilling life.

In order for a goal to be attained, it must be: 

1) written down 

2) specific
3) measurable
4) realistic yet challenging and
5) date oriented

You should set goals that are obtainable and measurable, and then set a realistic date for their accomplishment. For instance, you can set goals for how many people you will PRO, prospect for X39 and share the opportunity with during the course of each day. How many you want to personally sponsor and get activated in your business daily weekly and monthly. 

THIS IS IT Team of leaders suggests you set a goal to become Manager in 15 days, Help break a personal Manager in 30 days, Go Director in 60 days and Senior Director in 90 days. Decide what rank you want to reach in the coming days, weeks and months – Manager, Director, Senior Director. How many people will you PRO - patch, call, Zooms, live events, one on ones are you willing to set in order to achieve your goals? Exposure of X39 is key with a set date to accomplish the goal. 

You can also set personal educational and development goals, such as how frequently you will participate in X39 opportunity and training Zooms as well as live events. Set goals to read or listen to our THIS IS IT Team book of the month and how much time you will read each day.

Let’s get specific regarding setting goals in your Lifewave business. Your success will be determined by the numbers of people you have in attendance and participating at THIS IS IT online and live events. Understand that just like any career you must learn how to become successful and like a franchise requires owners to attend university training your team needs to learn by plugging into the THIS IS IT System trainings, live events, and conventions. You can measure your success by how many people from your team are attending. In turn you must set goals as to how many you will have in attendance at X39 opportunity and training events. The more you have on the THIS IS IT Zooms and live events the faster your business will grow and the more income you will be generating from your Lifewave business.