Easiest way to share the X39 with a friend or acquaintance is by implementing our Sample Program. THIS IS IT Team has put together a set of post cards and envelopes making it very easy to share X39 with your prospects. This combo set looks sharp, is professional, and explains everything a prospect needs to know about how to wear the X39 Patch. It makes it so easy when you have a sample to share.
Whether you are calling or seeing your prospect in person, the sample program works the same. Once you speak with someone and they are interested you can hand or mail the X39 using the THIS IS IT Sample Post Cards and Envelopes. The suggested number of samples patches to put in the envelope is 2-10 depending on the individual. Your goal is to get them enrolled and on subscription so the more sample patches you hand out the longer the revisit or follow up process will be.
Before just offering samples, you must pre-qualify those you are speaking with. Ask them, if I give a few samples, will you wear them? Do not offer the samples unless they let you patch them in person. They must give you their contact details so you can send them the ThisIsItInfo.Com link.
Important! Always carry a THIS IS IT Order Form and encourage a prospect to enroll after introducing the X39. Let’s face it whether you go to a therapist, doctor, or purchase over the counter or a prescription drug there is no real sure way they will work, and no money back guarantee. For sure there is no way to get paid to use the product or go to the chiropractor. So, lead your prospect with common sense and explain how great they will feel on X39, tell them yours or a friend’s testimony, and encourage them to get started. You don’t know unless you ask. And this sure saves a lot of time chasing them around after giving them samples.
Never leave a conversation without informing your prospect that because of the exclusivity of the X39, its patented, the testimonies are so emotional, and everyone needs this technology, but no one knows about X39, its screams opportunity. There is a huge lucrative business plan behind the X39. Then ask are you open to helping people with this technology and making more money?
Follow these pre-qualifying guidelines before just handing over your patches. Do not make the mistake of just handing out patches as of course anyone will take free product. You must pre-qualify your prospects even to the point of handing them a THIS IS IT order form and explaining there is a 30-day money back guarantee. That is the best way to ensure getting a prospect enrolled on the spot. Do your best to guide them to get started on the spot, but do not pressure anyone. Leaving them with samples and letting them get started when they are ready will ensure a more positive experience for long term success.
Order sample cards and envelopes here