THIS IS IT System PRO Strategy

THIS IS IT System PRO Strategy   

Be PRO Active In Your Business Everyday   
Implement PRO into your daily routine. Expect the THIS IT System PRO activities will bring you the results you are looking for. THIS IS IT Team does not place a number on how many people they PRO daily. You can Patch, Revisit, and Share The Opportunity with as many people as you want. Set a goal as to how many people you will reach out to and PRO each day. Write down their names and make it a priority to patch or call everyone on the list. 

Repeat that again the next day and revisit or follow up with those you spoke with the day before. Enroll those who are ready to achieve optimal health and win financially. Point everyone to one of the many opportunity Zooms happening weekly. Simply Replicate the PRO process daily.      

It’s important for you and your team to PRO daily. Plug into the THIS IS IT System, Zooms, Live Events, and Conventions to experience duplication in your business. Stay committed, remain consistent, and have stamina to achieve the success you are looking for in your LifeWave business. 

“The More you PRO The Faster You Grow”   


- Expose X39 Daily
- Prospect/Patch in Person
- Make Phone Calls
- Place X39 Samples



- Follow Up Daily With Those Who Have Been Introduced To X39


- Point to Weekly Zooms And Share X39 Presentation Daily
