Diamond 20/20 Vision

The THIS IS IT System Diamond 20/20 Vision is a proven strategy in becoming a Senior Presidential Director (SPD), the highest rank in Lifewave. Purchasing a Lifewave X39 Diamond Package is the first step in accomplishing your 20/20 vision. This is important because the people you will be enrolling will ask what package did you come in with, or upgraded to and will duplicate what you did. Purchasing a Diamond Package will set you up for success as well as the team members you are bringing into your Lifewave business.

A Diamond Package basically sets you up as a mini warehouse, so you have plenty of patches to share as samples and in addition you will be able to loan sleeves to those joining your team. Again, you are just loaning not giving away sleeves. This allows your new team members to get off to a Fast Start, get testimonies for themselves, and the closest people they know before their X39 patches arrive. Because of the THIS IS IT Team sleeve loaning strategy new enrollees are experiencing 2-6 people getting sponsored before their package arrives. Once your new team members receive their initial order, they will replace the sleeves you loaned them.

Set a goal to sponsor 20 personals right and 20 personals left within a 90-day period. Accomplishing 20/20 with a state of urgency in a 90-day period will allow you to create the momentum needed to achieve your goal of hitting SPD. It’s important to remember you are looking for people that are looking to take advantage and run with an opportunity.

Place all personals far left when enrolling on left leg, and far right when enrolling on right leg. By placing your personals under each other both far left and right allows all of them to take advantage of the volume you are creating under them. The strategy behind the 20/20 Vision allows you to have plenty of options for people hungry to build a successful Lifewave business both on your left leg and right. By sponsoring 20 left and 20 right, you’ll have 4-6 people ready to build immediately, 4-6 in the next 60-90 days and 4-6 down the road. You see this way you are not pushing your goals on those you sponsor. Going 20/20 allows you to have people coming to you excited to build which makes building your Lifewave business so much fun.

The THIS IS IT Team of leaders are achieving the rank of Senior Presidential Director SPD, the highest rank in Lifewave at a pace the company has never experienced in 19 years. Every SPD on the THIS IS IT Team implemented the Diamond 20/20 Vision and credits it as a key reason they achieved SPD at such a rapid pace. For this reason, you can have confidence that by duplicating the 20/20 Vision you are implementing what has already been proven by all the THIS IS Team Senior Presidential Directors.

20/20 Worksheet